
En espérant qu’elle regrette un jour ses paroles...

Vous avez entendu parler de Carrie Prejean ? Miss California 2009. Jetez un coup d’œil à la vidéo suivante : 

Quelques citations qui rendent la situation particulièrement risible :

“Gay Americans should not have equal rights.”

“My opinion is shared with the President and Secretary of state, and therefore it makes me right.”

“I will not back down in my right to take away freedoms from gay people.”

“I hope that at the end of the day, everyone can respect my rights, the way I disrespect theirs.”

“I hope I’ve inspired others to maintain compassion, civility, respect and tolerance while supporting positions that represent the exact opposite. Just like, to this day, there are people who still have the strength of their convictions to oppose equality for blacks, women and Jews.”

“If you see someone speaking up for equality, don’t be afraid to oppose it.”

Et la meilleure :

“Never forget to tell them ‘no offense’, because that makes it all okay.”

Hé ben.

2 commentaires:

Jonathan a dit...

Je ne peux pas m'empêcher, mais...

Quelle cruche! Elle a un sérieux problème d'empathie...

Marie Helene a dit...

Je sais pas trop comment j'ai aboutie ici - mais je suis comptlement troublee par la video

quelle conne

sa logique me donne mal a la tete

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